The Melody of Innovation
Theres always a better way. Vivian S. Lee, University of Utah Health Sciences
Theres always a better way. Vivian S. Lee, University of Utah Health Sciences
We need to face head on health care's most serious problems Peter Slavin, M.D., Massachusetts General Hospital
People acknowledge change is good [and] more are willing to go first. Darrell Kirch, Association of American Medical Colleges
There are countless reasons to feel overwhelmed and disheartened with the current state of health care. But some are embracing change. We asked academic medicine's best and brightest about change at the annual 2015 AAMC meeting.
Everyone in health care is for transparency for everyone else. Tom Lee, Press Ganey
To even call it a system is to do injustice to the word system. Bob Kaplan, Harvard Business School
Bend the cost curve? "We have to break the cost curve." James Orlikoff, Orlikoff & Associates, Inc.
We have to be working together, if were going to survive. Richard Krugman, University of Colorado
Everyone is looking to become the general contractor in medicine. Mike Leavitt, Utah Governor, HHS Director
Its not a magic bullet. Its really pick-and-shovel work. Lucy and Michael Glenn, Virginia Mason Medical Center
Health care has changed from a social service to a business. Arnold Relman, New England Journal of Medicine
Its a time of reflection, for asking why we do things the way we do it. Mark Laret, UCSF Medical Center
The days of one-size-fits-all medicine are over. Treatments must be individualized, says Jay Cohn, M.D., University of Minnesota.
Ninety percent of the [worlds] data is less than two years old. Martin Kohn, IBM
Clinicians can shoulder a lot if they feel theyre helping patients. Robert Pendleton, University of Utah
Its all for the patient. Margaret Pearce, Chief Nursing Officer
Its [not] acceptable that some people dont get the care they need. Marsha Rappley, Michigan State University
Do you admit them, or send them home? You want to get it right. Carrie Byington, Vice Dean University of Utah Health Care
The Internet is not filled with experts. Carol Rumack, University of Colorado
We have to ask patients what they want. Elisabeth Kunkel, Jefferson Medical College
I was told to take off my socks, and I refused. Charles Lockwood, Ohio State University
We need to be the leaders. We have the brain power, the mission. Claire Pomeroy, University of California
We dont have enough doctors to do it. Aaron Byzak, University of California
Youre almost working on the edge of science fiction. Nobel-Prize Winning Geneticist, Mario Capecchi
“If it’s my wife with breast cancer or my daughter with breast cancer, I want her to have the best possible chance to be treated for her unique disease,” Richard Weinshilboum, M.D., Mayo Clinic
“Experiments that were totally science fiction even five years ago are now science reality.” Michael Boehnke, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Absent science we have no idea what works best. Ann Bonham, Association of American Medical Colleges
You bet on young people some of them are going to fail. Dean Li, Vice Dean for Research
Drug companies are on welfare big time. We need demands in return. Marcia Angell, New England Journal of Medicine
A lot of people get upset about this term, creative destruction. Eric Topol, Scripps Translational Science Institute
We need to think big, open it up, make it free and see what happens. Michelle Lin, UCSF
[Supporting] cures for all the orphan diseases would consume the entire U.S. GDP. Vicki Seyfert-Margolis, FDA
Our current drug development model is ripe for change. Frank F. Weichold, director, FDA
Medicine is not just telling people what to do. Robert Gugliemo, Wayne State University
“Faculty need to…reconnect with the reasons that they chose to do medicine, or science or education.” Duke University
“We think things are intractable only to the extent that we’re not willing to put forth our money, our entrepreneurship and our hearts.” - Social entrepreneurs, Lynette and Robert Gay
“Whatever anyone learns today may be largely irrelevant in five years,” JAMA Editor-In-Chief Howard Bauchner, M.D.
The learner environment suffers from traditions in medicine. Lorris Betz, Association of American Medical Colleges
[That] we could be wasting [our potential] breaks my heart. Valerie Williams, University of Oklahoma
[Train] health care professionals that the nation needs. Valerie Montgomery Rice, Morehouse School of Medicine
How do you capture excellence? Harriet Hopf, University of Utah
Librarians know more people on campus than anyone else. T. Scott Plutchak, University of Alabama
Some people learn faster than others. Paula Termuhlen, Medical College of Wisconsin
?Give back to the world that has provided for you.? David Grainger, Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chair
If we dont have someone who should be at the table, how do we get them a seat? Eric Sid, University of Washington